Wednesday, September 30, 2009

'Andersonian' Interview with Kathryn Darden | Christian Activities

Interview with Kathryn Darden

 In September of 2006, Kim Ousley wrote an article about women in the Contemporary Christian Music Industry for the Anderson, IN "Andersonian" and interviewed Christian Activities Publsher, Kathryn Darden as part of her research.

Kim Ousley (KO): From one who is involved in the Christian music industry, what roles have women played over the years, how have they evolved or changed and what direction do you see it heading? 

Kathryn Darden (KD): Women have always had a big impact on Christian Music, in the beginning as artists like Evie, and now as leaders of corporations. The 80's and early 90's saw a lot of women launching their own companies. Marilyn Lorenz has been running her own company, the Copyright Company since April of 1991. In 1992 I officially launched Christian Activities Magazine (although I began publishing a smaller version in 1988). Lisa Jones launched her own booking agency in the 80's and Laurie Anderson started her own Management Company a few years later.
  Read the full interview at: industryinsider | Interview with Kathryn Darden | Christian Activities

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Poem "A Man Like You" Inspired by Lord of the Rings Wins Honors

Kathryn Darden Poem "A Man Like You" Wins Honor

Published in the Summer 2005 edition of In Fellowship, the official Print Journal of the Gathering of the Tolkien Fellowship Community and Issue 1 of Silver Leaves, the journal of The White Tree Fund, the Poem "A Man Like You" also won the Council of Elrond's Poem of the Month award on August 15, 2005.

Read the poem at: Poems Inspired by Lord of the Rings | Christian Activities

Monday, March 9, 2009

Kathryn E Darden - Without Apology

The Darling Kathryn E Darden - Without Apology

Donald Pennington, Yahoo! Contributor Network

Donald Pennington interviewed me in March of 2009 for this Yahoo article.

Date of Interview: 03/08/2009
My dear readers; I've got someone here for you today for you to meet who's always fun to read, whether it's her poetry you've found, or it's a thoughtful comment that you've received.

She expresses her thoughts without cloudiness and her spiritual side without an apology.

DP: Hi Kathryn! Thanks for your participation in this project. If things were to be cut short, and only one message got across to my readers about you, what would you want them to know about you?

KD: I'm sort of an eclectic person... OK, eccentric. I have done many things in my career life from teaching high school to publicity, to publishing, to working retail. I like variety!
DP: Please tell us a little more about the writer that is Kathryn E Darden:
KD: My real name, Kathryn E. Darden, is the name I use on AC. I understand why some people use a pen name, but I stand behind my articles and poetry, for better or worse. I was born in Tennessee, but my father was a military man, so I lived in India 3 years, New Jersey 1 year, and Washington DC for 5 years growing up...

Read the interview at:
The Darling Kathryn E Darden - Without Apology