Thursday, August 30, 2012

Reaching 1,000,000 Page Views on Yahoo!

I hit 1,000,000 page view earlier this month on Yahoo! Voices (formerly Associated Content). This means my articles have been clicked on over 1,000,000 times with 1,000,000 of the clicks staying open long enough to be counted as a page view -- at least a minute or two to count.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Interview with Kathryn Darden about Doll Collecting

Interview Kathryn Darden: Collecting and Barbie in the News

I recently  found this interview on Tumblr. Kaitlyn Williams interviewed me for a podcast this spring. I had completely forgotten about doing this doll collecting podcast. If you click the link, you can hear the interview.

Darden began writing for Barbie Bazaar in the 1990s and continues to freelance in her spare time. She has published articles in Miller's Fashion Dolls, Dolls In Print and Virtual Dolls to name a few. She frequently blogs for, in addition to maintaining her own blog.

Read the article and listen to the podcast here: Kaitlyn Williams and Kathryn Darden: Collecting and Barbie in the News - dOLL'N AROUNd