Monday, September 24, 2012

Silver Leaves issue #4 | White Tree Fund Features Three Poems by Kathryn Darden

Silver Leaves issue #4 | White Tree Fund

I was honored to be included among such illustrious writers and illustrators. I have had poetry, articles and reviews featured in all four editions of "Silver Leaves."


  • Colin Duriez: A Tribute to J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Peter Kenny: Dragons of Myth and Legend
  • Dragons in Middle-earth: A Timeline
  • P.R. Miller: The Quandry of Dragons
  • Alison Baird: The Un-Dragoning of Eustace Scrub
  • Elijah David: Elmarch of Lindon, the Author’s Story
  • Constance G.J. Wagner: Smaug’s Riddle
  • Julie Dobbins: Goblins in Our Midst: The Fight Against Human Trafficking
  • Kerri-Anne Cundill-Hinds: The Land of Doom
  • Anne Marie Gazzolo: The Measure of Love
  • Kathryn Darden: A Friend Like Sam To Be
  • Christopher Russo: Tuesday
  • Constance G.J. Wagner: Dragon is Aloft
  • Maureen Mann: Tolkien Reading Day 2011
  • Jonathon D. Svendsen: Dragons: The Ultimate Adversary
  • Bernadette Barnes: The Eye of the Dragon
  • L. Lara Sookoo: Interview with Dr. Dimitra Fimi
  • L. Lara Sookoo: Interview with The Tolkien Professor
  • Peter S. Beagle: Dragonsong
  • Bennett Dobbins: How to Train Your Dragon: A Step-by-Step Instruction Manual. . .
  • Richard Bulze: The Black Dragon Cup Finals Are Set!
  • Jef Murray: The Unmarked Byway
  • Kathryn Darden: Dragon Acrostic
  • Alexa Chipman: The Fiery Awakening
  • Mark Ostley: The Invention of Middle-earth
  • L. Lara Sookoo: The Dragon
  • Alexandra-Felicity King: Interview with Arjan Kiel
  • Michael Noer: How Much is a Dragon Worth?
  • Kathryn Darden: The Snow Sprite
  • Scott Holbrook-Foust: Two Trees Twining: Rays of Light in the Northern Night
  • Missy M. McClure: Of Winds and Wings
  • Constance G.J. Wagner: Sacramentum Midgard: Frodo as Sacrament to Middle-earth
  • Anne Marie Gazzolo: Heart of Darkness
  • Jef Murray: The Picture Book
  • L. Lara Sookoo: Never Laugh at Live Dragons
  • Letter to the Editors of the Silver Leaves Journal
  • Constance G.J. Wagner: Echoing the Ainur’s Song: Doug Adams’ The Music of the Lord of the Rings Films
  • Bennett Dobbins: The Lord of the Rings: An Overview of the Soundtracks
  • Steven R. Dajic:Role-Playing and the World of Tolkien
  • Alexa Chipman: Beowulf and the Dragon (Review)
  • Julie Dobbins: Middle-earth: Visions of a Modern Myth (Review)


  • Kerem Beyit: Steampunk Dragon (front cover)
  • Ted Nasmith: The Crystal Dragon (inside front cover & pull-out)
  • Collen Doran: Hobbit Feet
  • Ted Nasmith: Tolkien Portrait in Pencil
  • Ben Phillips: Lila
  • Tim Kirk: Dragon
  • Leilani Amorey: Bilbo and Smaug
  • Cassandra Stevens: Brave Thing
  • Valentina Levshina: Glaurung & Nienor
  • Jef Murray: Smaug
  • Jef Murray: Awaiting the Burglar
  • Jef Murray: Turin and Glaurung
  • Jef Murray:Corner Dragon
  • Jef Murray: Cerulean Dragon
  • Jef Murray: Glaurung
  • Jef Murray: Treebeard
  • Alexandra-Felicity King: Wellinghall Smial photo
  • Ted Nasmith: Smaug and the Lonely Mountain
  • Ted Nasmith: Smaug Attacks the Town of Dale
  • Jef Murray: Blue Dragon
  • Chris Mills: Dragon’s Dawn
  • Kerem Beyit: First Lesson
  • Connor Cochran: Gathering Swords
  • Tim Kirk: Gandalf’s Fireworks
  • Annette Jones: Black Dragon Drawings
  • Steven Thomas: Moria Balrogs
  • Steven Thomas: Isengard Uruk-hai
  • Steven Thomas: Grond
  • Steven Thomas: Angmar Ringwraiths
  • Alberto Ramirez: Smaug Invades the Lonely Mountain
  • Jef Murray: Dragonflight
  • Tim Kirk: The Game
  • Donato Giancola: The Great Dragon Smaug
  • Else Tennesse: Middle-earth Postage Stamps
  • Chris Mills: Turin & the Fall of Nargothrond
  • Alberto Ramirez: Treebeard
  • Anna Repp: Smaug
  • Jef Murray: Lucy and the Spellbook
  • Jef Murray: Boy and Book
  • Leilani Amorey: Dragons
  • Jef Murray: Writing Dragon
  • Jef Murray: Reading Dragon
  • Tim Kirk: Sea Dragon
  • Donato Giancola: Éowyn and the Nazgûl
  • Leilani Amorey: Death of Smaug
  • Dave DelaGardelle: Smaug
 Find out more at: Silver Leaves issue #4 | White Tree Fund

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